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Establishment of foreign companies in Tunisia
- Search for lands to build in, either ahead Industrial Land Agency - AFI, the Touristic Land Agency - AFT, or ahead privates.
- Search for buildings, to buy or rent, according to the requirements of the investor.
- Assistance for the choice of the legal form (Private Ltd co, Public Ltd co, branch): depending of the management system searched, the type of activity, the possible associates pact to be signed, the objective of quotation on the stock exchange abroad (e.g. euronext.)
- Tax optimization of associated or parent company for their participation in the share capital
- Formalities of setting up a company ahead the different authorities
- Procedures for obtaining state investment premiums and subsidies
- Formalities relating to the Central bank of Tunisia BCT
- Coordination with the sectoral technique centers : technical center of textile CETTEX, center of shoes and leather CNCC, center of the construction materials CTMCCV, packing center PACKTEC .
- Accompaniment at the bank: choice of the institution according to the bank of the parent company abroad, assistance for the opening of account, orientation for the investment of capital, information on the foreign credit lines.
- Assistance for protection of the brands, names and patents ahead the National institute of standardization and industrial property INNORPI
- Collecting data and studies on the Tunisian market
- Formalities ahead Customs authorities
- Assistance for the foreign personnel: obtaining residence permit, importation of car in suspension of taxes and duties.